Monday, January 05, 2004

A Day in the Life

So, just so no one is any under any illusions about me and my life, here it is in a nutshell....I get up, get ready to go to work, go to work, work, come home from work, watch TV, eat dinner (when there's food in the apartment), watch more TV, get ready for bed, read, go to sleep. Repeat for the next 30 years or so. Not very exciting is it? Well, it's not quite that bad. Really. I promise.

Okay, now that you know what my average day is like, I guess I should mention a bit about myself. I recently moved to Dayton, OH from Chicago. What? you say. Yes, indeed. I traded a major metropolis for a very large suburb (of the previously mentioned metropolis). You see, the corporation that I am working for decided it was time to close their Chicago office and re-locate the division to Dayton where the rest of the company is. Given that jobs were scarce and prospects were dim in April 2003, I decided that I would be a good little corporate whore, relocate and follow my job. Now, it hasn't been all bad. I do have some family here which kept me sane for the first few months. Then I realized something...I'm a suburban boy and one suburb is just like another. Sure I'm 5 1/2 hours from most of my family and friends, but I do have a Quizno's and Chipolte's really close by, so I suppose that that makes it okay.

Anyway, I decided to start this blog for a few of reasons. One, as you can see from above, I watch way to much TV and needed to find a different hobby. Two, what a quick and convenient way to keep my friends and family - along with anyone else who happens to stumble across this blog - up to date with the latest Chris news. I thought I had a third reason, just to round them out nicely, but I'm stuck for the moment. Maybe it come to me later.

Until next time.

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