Friday, February 13, 2004

What If This Is As Good As It Gets?

First, let me confess something...this is not the original version of this post. When the facts below came to light, I was on my lunch break and just quickly threw together the post. I've since gone through and edited it slightly, including giving it a new title. So, if you read this post right after I sent out the e-mail to virtually my entire address book, you may just want to read it again. You didn't have anything better to do did you? Thought not.

My friend Kevin - you may remember him from yesterday as the writer of the Candle in the Wind-Celebrity Remixes blog - linked his site to mine, just as I had done for him. Now the interesting thing about linking is that the more sites link to you the higher your Google score and thusly, the closer to the top of the list you appear. On a lark, I decided to see what my rank was.

Searching for my name was not a wise choice. Do you know how many Chris Behnke's there are, not to mention all of the Chris (Whatever) or the (Whatever) Behnke's. So I got a bit more creative.

Before I get to my flash of brilliance, there is something else that you need to know about the Google search engine. Once you type in the terms you are looking for, you can either press [ENTER] or the Google Search button to bring up the whole list of pages that relate to your search. There is another button right next to the Google Search button called I'm Feeling Lucky. Most of us are familiar with this from doing the Weapons of Mass Destruction search. If you didn't get any of the innumerable e-mails telling you about this site that I did, then it's enough to know that the I'm Feeling Lucky button will take you directly to the first site on the results list, without having to look at the list. Got it? If not, try typing Weapons of Mass Destruction in the search bar and then press I'm Feeling Lucky. Read the resulting page carefully - it is hysterical.

Okay back to me. So, if you go to Google and type in "musings adulthood" and then hit the I'm Feeling Lucky button, guess where you end up? If you answered with A Musing Man, then you forgot the "s" at the end of musings. It's "musings adulthood" not "musing adulthood". And please, if I should ever not be the I'm Feeling Lucky with those search terms, don't tell me. I'm very fragile and it could just shatter my entire world.

That's it. Just had to crow. I know it's not much and the terms aren't exactly something a normal person would enter (if I could figure out exactly how to work Britany Spears into the title, then I'd be cooking with gas), but we all need something - don't we? And right now, I'm Feeling Lucky.

FYI: There are other keywords/phrases that will take you to interesting places if you press the I'm Feeling Lucky button. The other two most notable Google Bombs...miserable failure and french military victories. There are dozens, nay hundreds more, but I'll leave those for you to find.

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